UK call to action

eCollar ban imminent in England:

I live & work in NSW in Australia, where eCollars are already prohibited. I do not use them for this reason. I know of trainers that do, and have them to refer to if there is a dog I cannot help or think would benefit from it. I confess I don’t think I’ve ever referred there, other than if that’s what a client was specifically asking for, or for snake avoidance training. So mostly I train without eCollars and “save” many dogs doing so.

I do and have used prong collars. Not on every dog, at all. It is a considered approach & nuanced decision. I am well aware the tool alone does not do the work for you. What gets me is the potential criminalisation of the clients, the humans, that use these tools successfully under my tutelage.
The recent prohibitions in QLD & TAS brought this to the fore for me. I feel sick to my stomach and cry for those in similar circumstances in those states.

And what really gets my goat with both of those, and apparently what is happening in England right now, is the sneaky, underhanded hypocrisy of the politicians involved. These seemingly done deals, rushed through with only perfunctory due process, not considering the implications of criminalising their constituents. Just get the deal done. Lie, misrepresent, ignore.

Of course dog training will evolve. It always does. Watching the evolution of methods and greater consideration to the dog is exciting. And maybe some day the tool bans will circle back, when some other deal can be done. In the meantime, I’m angry. Angry and tired.

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