Jumping Jack dog is not such a gas gas gas

Especially when you have a large dog, jumping up is not considered a polite behaviour. Some people don’t mind, some people mind a lot, or could get injured, so it seems best to avoid it.

To start, let’s teach an incompatible behaviour – that is, something that is the opposite of jumping. ‘Sit’ and ‘All-paws-on-the-floor’ are good opposites to jumping up. When those behaviours are reliable on cue, they become your go to thing when in situations that the jumping occurs, such as visitors arriving.

Sometimes though, the jumping up has been (usually inadvertently) reinforced. That means the dog gets something out of it – I’ve talked before about how they choose what’s reinforcing. Often it’s simply attention the dog wants, and putting your hands on the dog for example, gives that attention. Pushing the dog away could be considered a fun game that your dog wants to engage in again and again. To stop this, break the habit. Change your reaction and don’t use your hands. Stand tall, turn away, don’t give the dog what it wants. Ignoring the behaviour (coupled with teaching that incompatible behaviour) often sees the jumping diminish.

A neat thing to try is capturing the jumping up and put it to a cue. I use ‘hugs’ plus a hand signal for Roxy and have taught a few clients this way. Inviting a dog to jump for something higher value than what they previously found reinforcing teaches them when it is acceptable. Plus you still get hugs!

Sometimes, depending on the dog and the history and the management so far, these strategies are not enough. Sometimes an aversive may be needed. This could be as simple as putting up your knee when the dog jumps, or a correction on a check chain. Timing is everything when applying aversives, so I suggest consulting a trainer for assistance.

Now I’m not suggesting at all you invite your dog to jump up and then try to correct the behaviour. That’s pretty mean. Don’t do that.

Call me, I can help.

Pictured: Winston & Roxy sitting for treats instead of jumping on Grandma in her Sunday best.

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